Questions To Ask SEO Consultant Before Hire

Search engine optimization services are designed to help companies boost their brand awareness and sales by acquiring a higher placement on search engine platforms. Many businesses are unsure of how to boost their placement, so they seek the services of experienced SEO consultant, to run improve their site’s SEO. In most instances, there will be two forms of SEO performed, auditing the old website, and crafting new campaigns to boost SEO in the future.

Your current site will be scraped. Once this has happened, your consultant will optimize your website’s content before crafting any new campaigns that will further boost your SEO over time with relevant keyword placement and use.

Many businesses have fallen victim to shoddy SEO work, with consultants overcharging for black hat tactics that eventually resulted in the deletion of their website from search engines because there will be extensive rules were broken to receive a placement. To avoid this, here are a few questions you should ask prospective SEO contractor hires, before committing to using their services.

Can You Go Over Your Portfolio with Me?

Always ask your prospective consultant to show you their portfolio and share the details of a few of the projects they’ve worked on that are featured within their portfolio. Specifically, you should ask to discuss projects that were similar to your needs. If your prospective hire is uncomfortable discussing projects within their portfolio, or they do not have a portfolio whatsoever, this should be an immediate red flag. Only hire someone whom you know has worked on projects similar to your needs and has tangible results to prove it.

While some SEO consultants may be uncomfortable with this, ask if they’re willing to provide a few references for you to contact to verify their involvement with the company, the success of their SEO campaigns, and any further information that will help you evaluate their experience and knowledge.

What Tactics Will Be Used to Boost My SEO?

A prospective hire should be able to explain in detail the potential tactics they would deploy to help boost your website’s SEO. There should also be a timeline for your project, and benchmarks set throughout the timeline to measure the effectiveness of your campaign. In your initial meeting with the company, this may not be readily provided. However, you should expect to have this information before moving forward with the hire.

Verbally, your prospective hire should be comfortable enough to walk you through the general process they use when conducting search engine optimization tasks for clients. Do not be afraid to ask questions as they walk you through their process to gauge their knowledge and experience. A reputable SEO consultant will have no problem discussing their general tactics and answering your questions.

If you’re looking to get your search for a professional consultant underway immediately, review Flare SEO services in Dubai. They offer reputable SEO services that have been proven to work successfully for their clients and also follow all guidelines to ensure the work is done properly.

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