How To Use Minecraft Color Code

Color Formatting

Any text present in Minecraft, whether it is displayed on a sign or written in the book and quill, can be color-coded for various results; external programs can be utilized to insert colored text into different locations as well! Many users use formatting Minecraft color code to introduce specific ideas or concepts that may be summed up in a word or two.

Color Formatting Codes

Textual content sent from the server to the host can only be formatted to show in 15 very specific colors. Using the § symbol followed by a selected character (the letters a, b, c, d, e, f, as well as numbers zero to 9) will tell the program to modify to a brand new color of the text. Initially, the § symbol could only be used in Quill and Book items, but external programs and sure Bukkit plugins allow you to format text in different areas. To input, this character on most USA/UK English keyboards, hold down the Alt button and type ’21’ using the Numpad. On the Mac keyboards, holding down the ‘option’ key and pressing ‘6’ works as well.

Other Formatting Options

The looks of text could be modified with different methods! Following typical code format, a user can create text that’s bold (§l), strikethrough (§m), italic (§o), underlined (§n), and obfuscated (§k). If the person needs text to revert to its regular state, he can use formatting code §r.

Caveats and Exceptions

When trying to change MOTD, formatting should be done within the text file. As well as, the user must use marker /u00A7 instead of the § symbol. For example, making the text seem gold would be done by inputting /u00A76 as an alternative to inputting §6. The same guidelines apply for making text formatted in different methods as well.

World and server names could be displayed with formatting options by way of using an external program, similar to NBTExplorer. To accomplish this, the person should select and modify the LevelName tag in the world’s level.dat. Server names should be edited by way of the Name attribute, found in the servers.dat file (which is in a .minecraft directory).

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